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Imagine Believe Achieve


At Springdale First School, the children are at the heart of everything we do. The five years that they spend with us are precious and special, and it is an honour for us to be the start of their educational Learning Journey.

We are committed to fostering a love of learning by providing a curriculum that is rooted in a desire to bring out the best in all of our children, preparing them for success in life.  Imagine, believe, achieve the best lesson, the best day, the best year, the best future!

We want our children to develop as confident individuals who are able to live a safe, healthy and happy life.  We want our children to make a positive contribution to their community and develop a sense of belonging and responsibility.  We want them to be proud of everything that they do, enabling them to become valuable citizens of our society.

Enjoy browsing our website and seeing what opportunities Springdale can provide for your child.  You are also very welcome to visit our school.  Please ring the office to make an appointment. 

Miss D Budden  






If you have any Safeguarding concerns for a child, please refer to our Safeguarding page.

Spaces available in our Reception Year

We have spaces available in our current Reception Year, if you are interested in your child attending our wonderful school, please contact BCP admissions on 01202 127963 or via email