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Welcome to Hares


"As a teacher, I like to have lots of fun – that’s when children learn best. We will have lots of exciting new topics to learn about and I can’t wait." Mr Cameron




Clever Never Goes’


As part of our Safety Curriculum, the children in Year 2 are learning the following objectives. We will be revising their Year 1 learning of:

  • I know my role in keeping myself safe.
  • I know how to respond safely to adults I don’t know. I shouldn’t tell anybody my address.
  • I know to not go anywhere on my own with a stranger.
  • I know that if a stranger asks me to go with them I shout, run and tell someone.
  • I know not to take a present from a stranger.


We are also learning this new content of:

  • I know that if I get lost, I should look for a safer stranger and ask for help. A safer stranger is someone who wears a uniform and a badge like a police person.
  • I know that, if I can’t see a safer stranger, I should look for a safer building (like the doctors, a dentist or a shop) to go into. I know to ask the people inside for help.

We thought it would be useful to share the following support materials that we are using:


 “The ‘Clever Never Goes’ programme has been developed to replace the out-dated ‘stranger danger’ approach. Research shows that teaching children simply to avoid strangers fails to keep them safe. Strangers are often more likely to help a child than to harm them. Conversely, it can often be people known to children that pose the greatest threat.

‘Clever Never Goes’ moves the focus away from strangers and instead teaches children to recognise when someone (whether they are known to the child or not) is trying to persuade them to go with them. The programme is designed to be fun and positive, whilst at the same time delivering a serious message and giving children practical safety skills and confidence to engage with the outside world.”


If you would like any support with how to talk to your child about this concept, please follow this link for the ‘Clever Never Goes’ website  Clever Never Goes There is a home pack on there that contains some great ideas for how to approach this topic with your children as well as games and activities. On the website, you can also see a series of cartoon sketches which are a good way of reinforcing the Clever Never Goes message and checking that your child has understands the key Clever Never Goes message. Please make use of these resources.  

If you have any further questions about the programme please feel free to come and chat to the Year 2 team further. Alternatively, our PSHE Leader Mrs Johnston is also available for help.